About Us

Swedes eat the most sweets in the entire world! & SWEEDS love cocktails!

So why not combine the two?

A tasty little sweet made with real Sparkling Wine from a small Swedish vineyard, or why not a classic smoky sweet, made with real Whiskey from an exquisite distillery in the south of Sweden? The good news is, you don’t have to choose, SWEEDS have it all!

How It Started

The creation of SWEEDS started with an idea and a wish to combine Åsa's love for confectionery and sweets, with Henrik's taste for fine wines and spirits.


The process of SWEEDS took almost three years. In 2019, Åsa had her first try at making her own rosé wine gums in her kitchen, but without much success. Instead, she contacted Lars Pålsson at ScandiCandy, a vegan confectionery factory just a few miles down the road from her house in Skåne, Sweden. With Lars' expertise, and in partnership with her husband Henrik, Åsa started a very enjoyable and fascinating journey with numerous delicious tasting sessions to find the perfect texture, shape and mix of ingredients to create the classic four SWEEDS flavors Sparkling Wine, Whiskey, Gin and Sparkling Rosé Wine.

Vi hoppas att det smakar!


Welcome to a peek inside our vegan confectionary factory creating our SWEEDS with meticulous craftsmanship and great expertise.

Here you see Lars sampling one of our many trial productions for new flavors. 

Stay tuned!


Our Partners

It is very important to us that all SWEEDS ingredients are locally produced. Therefore, we have selected our partners carefully, all located in Skåne, Sweden.

Scandi Candy

Lars Pålsson is the ultimate entrepreneur who started ScandiCandy in 2002, and has since expanded his vegan confectionary factory into a successful business. Though always pressed for time, we managed to spark Lars' curiosity enough to give us a chance to try our idea, and we will always be thankful!

Arilds Vingård

Arilds Vingård definitely puts Sweden on the world map of fine wines with their Arilds Bubbel and Arilds Bubbel Rosé, and we are very proud to have them as a partner for our Sparkling Wine flavors.

Skånska Spritfabriken

Skånska Spritfabriken is a small distillery located in Lund in Skåne. Skånska Spritfabriken is the fastest growing supplier of premium distilled spirits in Sweden, and we are so happy to have them as a partner for our Gin and Whiskey flavors!

Saturnus Malmö

Saturnus is a 130-year-old Malmö company, where the 5th generation Liepe is now active. Saturnus manufactures ready-to-drink beverages with a focus on Glögg and Snaps. We are very happy to be working with the always welcoming Liepe family for our Glögg and Aquavit flavors!
Alcohol free
100% Vegan
Gluten free